Being a homeowner can be exciting and fun at times, with lots of freedom to make it your own space but it also comes with responsibilities. When something breaks, it’s not an easy call to a landlord to fix it. You’re the one in charge of any repairs, maintenance, finances, and improvements over the long haul.
Here are some survival tips that will make you a happy homeowner who will thrive for years to come in your home:
1) Create a home manual JUST for your home, not for anybody else’s.
Get a large binder with clear plastic pockets to hold important documents about your home and its systems, plus owner manuals; service records; warranties; the age of your roof, furnace, water heater, washer/dryer, refrigerator and other important appliances; even include paint colors and other decorating information; receipts for furniture. Don’t forget to include any landscaping work and how to care for your plants, shrubs, and flowers.
2) Maintain an updated list of phone numbers
of your plumber, electrician, utility company, landscaper, HVAC, etc so you can contact them quickly when needed. Also, keep notes on each of their visits and get second opinions for larger repair or replacement recommendations.
3) Have an emergency fund for any unexpected costs.
No matter how well your home has been taken care of by you or the previous owner, there are going to be some unexpected surprises, so be prepared. Something will break and you won’t be able to delay fixing it – a cold winter night and your furnace stops working, a tree falls on your house, or a baseball goes through one of your windows. Expect the unexpected!!
4) Know your major appliances
such as fridge, stove/oven, dishwasher, washer/dryer — and how they work, how to maintain them (like changing your filters), who to call for repairs, and how old they are now and their life expectancies. How long they last depend a lot on your care of them and also your specific product. For example, a fridge can last from 9-13 years; an air conditioning unit from 8-15 years, a water heater 10-11 years. Again, keep all owner manuals and other necessary receipts in your home binder for easy access.
5) Buy tools you’ll use regularly to maintain your home and to make minor repairs.
Every homeowner should have a tool box but don’t go out and buy something you may only need once; you can sometimes rent or share the cost with friends or neighbors. Experts say you should buy tape measurer, utility knife, four-in-one screwdriver, hammer, putty knife, saw, wrench, pliers, drill/driver. Every homeowner usually goes through a tube of caulk each year.
6) Learn some basic DIY skills that can save you time and money on repairs.
There’s lots of information out there on the Internet and YouTube with basic how-to’s on just about everything from how to unclog a drain to how to patch a hole in the wall. Consider taking some classes at your local hardware store. You can save so much per year if you can do some of the basic repairs and upkeep yourself.
7) Hire an accountant
So you know how to prepare your taxes correctly and can maximize your refund and get the deductions you deserve. Even getting them done by a professional one time is a good idea since you’ll have a template for future years. You may learn you’ll get tax credits on energy-efficient appliances, etc.
8) You never want to ignore any problems or damage you see in your home.
A minor problem can turn into a big, more costly one before you know it! Consistent, regular maintenance of your home is important to combat the usual wear and tear and also any severe weather conditions such as flooding, snow, ice, and heat.