Realtor.com shared ‘5 Habits to Start Now if you Hope to Buy a Home.’ Below are the top three from their list with a brief description.
#1 – Automate Your Down Payment Savings
One way to jump-start your down payment savings is to automate your checking account to automatically save a small amount of your paycheck into a separate savings account or ‘house fund’. “Amassing enough for a down payment takes discipline & perseverance, but setting up automatic savings can make it easier. If you never see the cash, you won’t spend it.”
#2 – Build Your Credit History & Keep It Clean
When you go to apply for a mortgage, lenders will want to see that you have been able to pay off past debts. This means staying on top of your student loans, credit cards, and car loans and paying them on time! Credit bureaus recommend using no more than 30% of the credit available to you.
#3 – Practice Living on a Budget
Downsizing your spending now will allow you to save more for your down payment & pay down other debts to improve your credit score. A study by Bank of America showed that “95% of first-time buyers were willing to make sacrifices to buy their home faster.”
Having an agent on your team who is an expert in your area will ensure that you get the best advice and are educated on the opportunities available to you now.